Saturday, May 9, 2020

Checklist for a Job Search

Checklist for a Job Search Having a checklist for job search makes sure you have the right equipment and tools to compete. Without having everything you need, you could potentially waste a lot of time.   While gathering this checklist of items in this order is not required, it is *highly* recommended you do them all. Checklist of Things You Need For Your Job Search Portfolio of work and evaluations Professional email address and email signature Professional greeting on main voicemail 20+ Accomplishment stories 10 or more ideal job titles Targeted, strategically focused resume for each of those job titles and/or ideal job postings 50+ companies that could potentially hire you for what you want to do Crafted answers to the dreaded interview questions Elevator speech/45 second commercial (heres how to create yours) LinkedIn profile (heres how to make your profile awesome) Listing of 100+ people you know Business cards Cover letter and thank you letter templates Networking email templates Folders to hold job postings, resume, and cover letters by company (version control) Spreadsheet to track jobs applied for and followup Spreadsheet to track networking contacts and follow up (or try jibberjobber that  creates all this for you) Time tracking spreadsheet Calendar to keep  track of meetings Positive mindset, anything is possible!   It is not the destination but the journey. 20 is the most important.   Take care of yourself emotionally and physically.   Dont allow negative self talk.   Surround yourself with positive reinforcement.   Prepare for the long haul and try to enjoy this exploration of the new world!

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