Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Quit planning-Start talking - Hallie Crawford

Quit planning-Start talking - Hallie Crawford I received this email from a prospective client, Joe, last week. I was thrilled to get it and see how hes working towards his dream job. It sounds like he is very close to landing it! Hallie, I hope this e-mail finds you well and enjoying 2011. I just happened to be reading an article to which you contributed and wanted to say hello. I cant imagine you remember our conversations very well (this goes back about 3 or 4 years) but since talking with you I pursued a career in management consulting and ended up back at school. Ill graduate from Notre Dame in May with an MBA, and recently accepted a job starting this summer at restructuring firm Alvarez and Marsal. I do believe our conversations helped me realize that the sky really is the limit on my career and that talking with people is the best way to realize all the options. Anyway, Ive enjoyed your e-mails over the last few years and am happy to see you living your dreams. Youve inspired many people through your work, myself included, and I hope you continue to! Warm regards, Joe Rollin The funny thing is, we never actually coached together. We did a consultation in 2008 and both decided he knew what he needed to do to make his transition. He just needed to get out there and make it happen! This is a good lesson for a lot of us just get started! I encouraged Joe to just go for it. It looks like he did. The lesson here, which I re-iterated to my coaching group this week, is: Talking to people is critical to your success in making your career change. Talk to people to learn more about your chosen industry (informational interviews). Or if you haven’t chosen an industry, talk to them about industries youre considering, but havent decided on yet! I did a ton of informational interviews with coaches when I was considering being a coach. Informational interviews can help you learn how you get into that industry Brainstorm with friends and family about possible careers for you. Create what I call a dream team of support for your career transition. Choose people who will support you during your journey. These are all critical ways to make your transition successful! Heres to having a career you love! Hallie Crawford Career Help Get In a Group Group Coaching gives you the best we have to offer: Individual coaching plus support and feedback from other career changers in a regularly scheduled call.  Find out if Group Coaching is what you’re looking for. Please Share This

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